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Kamis, 10 November 2011



Wednesday, February 2 9:30pm EST

The New Moon in Aquarius coincides with Imbolc, the turning of the year from the darker dark, toward the light and the coming of Spring. The power around this New Moon supports the call of Aquarius to step out the box, reach for the stars, and dream our biggest dream.

The radical nature of this New Moon is evident in the number of planets and asteroids clustered in Aquarius: Mars and Ceres conjunct the New Moon, layering the Sun-Moon masculine-feminine partnering with another pair of masculine-feminine archetypes.

Neptune and Chiron stand poised in the last degrees of Aquarius. Chiron will swim into Pisces waters next week, while Neptune wades into Pisces in April, only to step back out. We stand at the water's edge wondering where these tides will carry us.

The revolutionary Aquarian plans we make at this New Moon will be more than castles in the Air, as Saturn flows his energy in trine, making it real. This is an opportunity to manifest a vision, and a reminder that thoughts are actions, and come with consequences.

The Grand Cross counterpointing the New Moon echoes the theme of consequences. Pluto and Venus conjunct the North Node and oppose the South Node of the Moon, as Jupiter and Uranus oppose Juno, and all four corners square each other.

Pluto pulls us onto our true path, whether we will or no. Jupiter and Uranus forge ahead, leaping into the unknown with no thought of nets. Yet Venus and Juno remind us we are not alone, in both senses of the phrase. Everything we do affects our communities; being mindful of this can guide our choices. And, we have support: Even in our darkest moments, we can find help.

One of the paradoxes of Aquarius is the emphases on both individuality and community. Aquarius reminds us that, whatever Capricorn might think, no man is an island ... and our unique selves are the medicine our communities most need, whether they realize it or not.

The path of Aquarius is the path of individuation, and it ain't easy. Carl Jung saw this process as one calling for the ego to give way (something the ego hates to do) to the wider, deeper vision of the Self, "a process of open conflict and open collaboration at once ... the old game of hammer and anvil" (CW9i, par 522).

Astrologer Ellen Longo begins an exploration of leadership through the signs with Aquarius, and her examplar is Yoko Ono ... someone who elicits strong reactions, always has, always will.

This is Imbolc, the festival of Brighid, goddess and saint, another Aquarian leader who cannot be defined as solely pagan or Christian, standing through the ages as a singular figure of strength and protection. The stories associated with her also reflect the radical determination and community focus of Aquarius.

As Michele Grace writes in her New Moon Journal, this Aquarius New Moon is an invitation to dream our biggest dream. As the New Moon approaches, take time to remember your largest, brightest visions. Reconnect with their energy and vitality. We can bring those dreams forward now, and make them real.

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